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Showing posts from September, 2017

Kubegraph: Visualize Your Kubernetes Cluster

Kubegraph is a simple tool that allows visualizing Kubernetes resources (Pods, Deployments, Replica Sets, and so on) from the specified Kubernetes namespace in real-time. Kubegraph also allows you to store the events from a Kubernetes cluster in a file, so you can replay the events again without connecting to the cluster. And last but not least, you can use the saved events to generate a standalone HTML file, that allows you to replay the visualization in your browser without the cluster and Kubegraph itself. Examples: Example 1 Create Replication Controller and Deployment, scale the Deployment up and down, use the Deployment to roll out a new version, and, finally, delete both Replication Controller and Deployment. Example 2 Install Sock Shop application and then delete it. Example 3 Install Sock Shop application and keep it running. The project started as a proof of concept of a new monitoring system for Kubernetes, that works with a cluster through its public API